Friday, August 2, 2013

All There Is To Know...

I am including this lesson from my Beloved Teacher in its entirety.  Here is the how and why of his genius, and an example of the depth of his being.  He did not teach "how to get what you want from life" rather, he taught how you can become a being of such depth, that "getting what you want" no longer enters into the days of your life.  To live in this manner is to bring value to the entire Universe simply because you are breathing...
A student once asked George,
"What is compassion?"  He responded, "Compassion is creating peace in every situation."

This response confused the student. "Doesn't compassion have to do with love?", he asked.  

George paused for a moment.  With a twinkle in his eye he stated, "Compassion is higher than love."  He waited a moment to let these words sink in.  He then continued on, "It has been said that when all the shortcomings of love are removed, it becomes compassion."

"What shortcomings do you speak of?" replied the student.

George sat back in his chair.  With a deep breath and a smile on his face, he said, "Love has limitations.  But compassion has no limitations.  Compassion has been called the ultimate essence, the harmony of harmonies.  Love is not so noble.  It is possible to love one more than another.  It is possible to love one and hate another.  It is possible to love a part of one thing but not all of it.  It is possible to love in our own self-interest, for our loved ones, our family, our nation.  It is possible to love because we are loved.  This is Love's limitation."

George continued,"Compassion is a law, not an attribute.  It is not an attitude.  It has no relationship with affection, sentiment or empathy.  Compassion takes no position.  It is partial to nothing.  It is ALL for everyone."

George remained silent and allowed the student to think.  After a few moments, the student spoke.  "If compassion takes no position, this creates balance and peace.  Is this correct?" he asked.

George nodded.  "By creating peace in every situation you heal everything you touch.  In time, peace will follow you, and you will heal without touching.  That is compassion.  No books or schools are needed for compassion.  All there is to know comes to you naturally, from the soul."

 George Addair

photo courtesy of flickr photo sharing and Stefan Reichsteiner to see more of this artist's work please follow this link:

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