Friday, May 2, 2014


It is a remarkable thing to have a hard target number at your disposal with which to measure both progress and well-being. 
Since I discovered that I had diabetes, each day I walk, eat only what will reverse the insulin resistance in my body and thereby restore my beta cells to health, and track my progress.
It is easy to do.  A small pinprick, a bright red spot of blood, delivered into a home measuring device…and I have my answer.
From the first day when I found a blood sugar above 250, (dangerously high, and actively destroying kidney, pancreas, and retinal beta cells), I have watched my blood sugar levels dropping.  They got stuck for a week or so, hovering around one sixty, and I thought I might have to begin taking medication, something I am actively seeking to avoid.  But then today, at 3PM, the small ring tone sounded and the number on the screen was 96.
I am quite certain my blood sugar has not been that low, (60 to 80 is normal), for more than a year and a half.  Now that I have had the opportunity to research the disease, and connect the dots with all the symptoms I have experienced, (but did not know were linked to diabetes), I realize that my numbers have been at dangerous levels for a good long while.
My backache is still with me, (I thought it was old age – turned out it was a pancreas in dire straights), and I am still in the toxic range, (140 and above), some portion of everyday.  But…a slow and steady drop is once more the norm.
I cannot recall anything in my life being as empowering as graphing those numbers has become.
I have created a chart, which shows, in a very graphic fashion the ups and downs of my blood sugar levels.  Spread out over the first month with several more to come are the penciled lines of an up and down progress, which has an overall southern direction.  Beginning as soon as my blood sugar dipped below emergency numbers, there is a small pink dot, placed above five days of the week denoting the days I march around the block with all my small dogs in tow.
It is the very definition of self-reliance.
My Beloved Teachers message to me was not one of Hope, nor Love, nor Peace.  His message was consistently and continuously one of Self Reliance.
He strove not to instill us with warmth, but rather with the stamina and commitment of a warrior…alone on the battlefield, outnumbered, outmanned, and outgunned.
Why is that?  Why self-reliance and not community, or tribe, or a found family?
I believe it was because he was hoping to groom leaders, people of a certain boldness who had the will, and the fortitude to persevere through the loneliness, that is required for anyone to truly know themselves, and through that knowledge, to glimpse the Universe Entire.
He often repeated his mandate…”I serve the deck, not the individual cards.”  It took me a very long time to understand that serving the deck meant that his students were only important from the long perspective, from the perspective of Eternity and the survival of the species.
As individuals he required from us that most elusive of attributes, Self Reliance.
The first gift of the disease that is now functioning in my life, is to make me capable of truly seeing how self-reliant I have become.
Each day, only I can make the choices that will result in my bodies restoration, only I can do the research, learn the skills, test the limits, reinforce the boundaries, and cross the finish line.
When once I could not bear to be alone, to face the inner fears that populated my life like rotting rust, now I stand inside myself with such calm, fierce, loyal, and trustworthy sure-footedness that I am quite simply amazed.
I do not have the life that I had wished for, nor the one that I had hoped for.  I live alone; I do not bounce from pillar to post seeking salvation in any form.  I stand quietly inside myself, capable of meeting all of my own emotional needs from within.  Calm, clear-eyed, and watchful…I merely observe…and celebrate.
I understand now, that I have become the leader my Beloved Teacher hoped I might one day be.  I do not have a following, and I hazard to guess that I might never have one…but that part is not my doing.
My job was to become truly Self Reliant.  To chip away like the sculptor, knowing that a masterpiece resides inside the stone.  I have done the work… and have become liberated from the desire to seek without, that which can only be found within.
I no longer need someone to hold my hand, to rock me into a troubled sleep, or to sing me the lullabies of the lost.
I am home.
I can face my life, physical decline, and death on my own terms…quiet and resolved.  I cherish that awareness; I bow down to the journey that has led me here.
I am unafraid.
Can there be anything better than that?  Is there even a shred of a thing, which the world could offer as competition for such a state?  Of course not…
So, today, I have had a victory.  A number in the double digits, a reward for taking effective and competent action, but one day, not so far off, victory will no longer be possible…and I will be just as content on that day, as this one.
And that is Self Reliance.
Adayre R. Miller

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