Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Who Could Possibly Want More Than This…?

When Arthur, King of the Realm, sent his knights out to find the holy grail he bade them to enter the forest, not where the path was well worn and well used, but rather where the forest itself was darkest, deepest, densest, and least hospitable.  He instructed them in this manner, because nothing of any real or lasting value, can be found where we are merely comfortable, safe, secure, and at ease. 

The Toa Te Ching, offers the same wisdom in this way:

Free from desire, you realize the mystery. 

Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations

arise from the same source. 

This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness. 

The gateway to all understanding.

In this day of the spiritual marketplace, bulging as it does, with promises of wealth, health, eternal growth, happiness and “greatness” there are, sadly, so very few voices speaking this Ageless Wisdom Truth. 

The truth that the best of you is not in your “light”, but rather in the darkest part of your soul’s shame.

My shame was and remains, that I am not loveable.   
(It is highly likely that your shame is of a similar nature, no matter how it might dress itself up, or what costume it might wear.)

Over the course of a long lifetime of courageous commitment, I have grown increasingly capable of sitting with myself, as I touch the periphery of this deep shame.

In years gone by, I needed and used others, not out of care or concern or kindness, but rather based on how well, how often, and how much, they were willing to keep me from having to touch this deeply horrifying place inside myself.  Nowadays this is called “holding the space” for another.  It is a lauded and valued skill…being capable of holding the space for another’s fear, or at least we imagine it to be of value…

What if this imagination is directly opposite the truth?  What if the highest and best one human being could do for another, is to afford them no shelter from the storm of the conditioned mind?

This is what my Teacher did for me.

Not only did he offer no “help” from the fear I lived in, but he did all that he could to expose me to it, in greater depth, with greater weight, and more compelling insistence.

And now, thanks in large part to his service… I am capable of sitting still with my shame.

It no longer takes the form and shape that it once did.  There is no longer any drama, emotional hysterics, or colorful external expressions…now it is a whisper, a soft seduction that calls me back to a belief in the future, and the desire to be seen as important, valuable, worthy.

Just as Silence becomes a presence in my life that I can count upon, I find hiding beneath my interest in its appearance, an ugly motivation.

I still need, and want to be “special”.  I cannot say if I will ever be free of this desire…I can say, with absolute certainty, that whatever measure of suffering lies before me, it will spring from this timeworn place in me.

I recognized within myself, just today, the desire to make use of the great gift of Silence, that has opened in me, as a means by which I can finally procure the long sought pleasure of being worthy and valuable.

Please…before you “tsk-tsk” at me, and before you express the desire that I should not be “so hard” on myself.  Sit quietly for a moment and see if it is not your primary motivation as well, and thus it is hard to hear it from me. 

One of the conditioned minds favorite games is the game of comparison.  For you to be “great”, to win, to achieve, to be better than, someone lower on the scale, must be the measuring stick by which you assert this claim.  Or conversely for you to be the victim, the sufferer, the wounded one, and in that way to be worthy of anothers time, attention, and “space holding”, this too, requires the game of comparison.  To compare and compete is to be lost inside a child’s mind and a child’s will, to keep you blind and broken and tethered to the search for your “good”… as the greatest good of all… goes unseen and under experienced.

The greater good is available only to those that come fully and cleanly into the felt sense of the higher truth which deeply understands that, “good and bad” arise together and thus must be wholly and holy embraced.

The Tao:

When people see some things as beautiful,

then others things become ugly. 

When people see some things as good,

other things become bad.

To seek specialness, to follow those who offer it, is to abandon oneself in the futile search for our “light filled greatness.” It is to shackle ourselves forever, to the nightmare of Samsara, while Nirvana waits unseen and unfelt all around us.

As I bear witness to this seductive whisper, in myself, of the hope for a better tomorrow… at least now I well and truly know… that it comes not from the source of me, but rather from the still broken font of the internal shame of feeling unwanted.  The prostrated and hopeless child, who still cannot feel the love of the One.

My Teacher’s body is no longer available…but the memory of his deep humility, his total absence of neediness, his palpable capacity for non-resistance, and his deep presence…guides me still.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly, I can feel inside myself, the alchemical turning of the iron ore of neediness, into the gold of self-reliance.

Also from the Tao:

When you realize where you come from,

you naturally become tolerant,

disinterested, amused,

kindhearted as a grandmother,

dignified as a king. 

Immersed in the wonder of the Tao,

you can deal with whatever life brings you,

and when death comes, you are ready.

This is an accurate portrait of the One, absent any need for specialness, for winning, for needing, for hoping and for wishing…

Who could possible want more than this…?

Adayre R. Miller


photo courtesy of flick photo sharing and Sara Spildener, to see more of this artist’s work, please follow this link:


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