Friday, February 15, 2013

The Fruit of Understanding...


Yesterday being required to go to the grocery store to stock up my pantry, walking on a foot that protested every step, I leaned on the shopping cart and hobbled glacially slowly down first, this aisle and the next, looking for the items that will get me through the next few days of foot elevated healing.

The store was busy, and the aisles packed, and my slow progress created even more pressure on the over stuffed isles.  A young man, in his early twenties, was stacking yams and sweet potatoes in the root vegetable isle, and I asked him which did he think, was a better purchase – yams or sweet potatoes.

As he turned his attention to me I could see clearly his disgruntled and slightly disturbed attitude.  He did not want to be where he was, nor doing what he was doing.  Just after he answered my question, an older woman walked past us with her purse hanging from her shoulder.  The purse swept a clear plastic box of cherry tomatoes, from the top of a stack of them, and onto the floor.  I could see from my vantage point that she had no idea she had even touched them, and she continued down the isle with nary a backward glance.

The young man, however, put on quite a floorshow.

He looked after her with such disdain, aggravation, disturbance, and resentment; you would have thought she had been caught murdering puppies.  Even as he was reaching this way and that, to pick up the small red escapees, his glaring gaze followed her down the full length of the store.

I attempted some inane remark to ease his upset; he ignored it and continued to glare in her direction.

I could almost hear his conditioned mind’s conversation.  “What an idiot!!  Why doesn’t she watch what she’s doing!!  Now I have to clean up the mess she has made!!”  (I suspect I have cleaned up his inner language quite a bit…)

This tiny moment spoke to me in a large way.

We imagine, by courtesy of the many dream merchant’s our country supplies us with that our lives are supposed to fulfill some great purpose.  That we are to go out amongst the world’s population to slay dragons, win the maidens, and acquire great gobs of attention, approval, money, and fame.

But what if the dream merchants are wrong?  What if our only purpose in this lifetime, or any other for that matter, is to win a simple victory over a mind that sees everything as a problem, and by doing so causes us to hate, or so much worse, fear… our moment-by-moment existence.

If you view the cherry tomato escape from this perspective then the only thing that occurred, is that the young man went from stacking tuberous root vegetables to picking up tomatoes, and both activities could have been achieved with no emotional component at all…with no resentment, and therefore no suffering.

The twenties is the decade of the “should” and “should not’s”, the time when we are most sure about how our world should work, the time when we are most physically, mentally, and emotionally, capable of fighting the losing battle that is the world of dream chasing.

As we age, and life begins to teach us that we can never control the outer world to suit our desires, we learn the hard truth that life is filled to the brim with suffering for those that continue to fight a losing battle for what they imagine they want, instead of looking to the real and the true and beginning to unravel the darkness within.

In religion, it is said, that there is always an exoteric and an esoteric version of every faith.  The exoteric is the outer traditions, trappings, rituals and rights, which the believers follow – hoping to ward off the fears of daily living.  But always a few, in every tradition, begin to hear the call of the esoteric… hidden within the depths of all the outer genuflections and church dogmas.

In the “new age” movement there is an exoteric and an esoteric path as well.

Adayashanti calls it being “in time” or “out of time”.  He describes the in time group as one that is easy to find, quite visible, probably advertising, and making a large splash of some sort…while the “out of time” groups are often obscure, hard to find, never promote themselves, and will teach you to fish so that you may feed yourself.

The dictionary meaning of exoteric is “understood by all”; anyone who speaks the same language can understand the messages of the dream merchants.  My Beloved Teacher was an “out of time” teacher, an esoteric and deeply wise human being, and it took me 24 years to begin to understand the obscure, oddly impenetrable, arcane, and wise teachings that were the work of my Teacher.

This is not a fault of his capacity to teach in a clear and simple manner, but rather the workings of the conditioned mind’s many ways in which it strives for survival and to veil the truth from us.

Lost in the productions of the conditioned mind we become incapable of accessing our direct, deeply intimate, and beautifully fluid experience.  We can no longer feel the beauty of the rising sun, but rather we can only talk to ourselves about it, and thus reduce the world around us to a series of “like it or don’t like it” internal conversations.

The most valuable thing that happens when we are freed from the mind that creates all that conversation is the recognition that “like it or don’t like it” is an illusion.  We can therefore be in pain or pleasure without having to run from it or run toward it, and herein lies the real meaning of stillness. 

Spiritual stillness is not a function of sitting in meditation, watching our breath, or opening to our chakras.  Stillness is a mind at repose, a mind capable of ending the constant refrain of “I want or I don’t want”, a mind made peaceful through the grace of surrender and acceptance.

The young grocery store stocker did not want to be spending his time putting yams in a pyramid, he believed strongly that the woman who was completely unaware that she dropped a box of tomatoes, should had stopped, apologized, and perhaps even picked them up herself.  He had an enormous conflict with reality and was instead lost in the world of illusions, where he “knows” what should and should not happen, and “knows” how people should and should not behave.  And the only person paying the price for his “knowledge” is himself.  One day his body will tire of the constant conflict with the simple truth of the moment and his heart will stop, or his body will begin to over produce cells in the form of cancer, or some other window will open for him to flee from himself and the world of suffering he is in the process of creating.

Or perhaps grace will enter his life in the form of a simple teacher with an even simpler message, to give up “believing” and “knowing” in favor of direct and pure experience.  If he is so graced, then a world that cannot be imagined will suddenly appear directly in front of him as though a miracle, and he will begin to breathe the free air of the middle way…

Adayre R. Miller

2/15/12 fidgetromeo

photo courtesy of flickr photo sharing and Fidgetromeo to see more of this artist’s work please follow this link:

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