Friday, September 14, 2012

A Birthday Gift for You…

A good friend of mine in her birthday greeting to me, describes our lifetimes as a “parenthesis in eternity”.
It is a good phrase, so evocative of the truth of the nature of our short appearance, our swift ride, and our small expression in a sea of foreverness.
I do not experience my birthdays, (or any holiday type day), in a sentimental way.  I don’t bemoan the lack of festivities, no Christmas tree, no family turkey dinners…I have long ago accepted the solitary nature of my journey, and have come to see my life’s structure as quite necessary to the pattern.
For many years now, I have been professionally engaged in the development of the interior design of homes and businesses.  I have coaxed and pulled and nudged them into existence, caretaking and harmonizing the outcomes, careful of the edge between true beauty and the overwrought nature of too much design.
I never planned this profession for myself, didn’t choose it, never yearned for it.  It came and got me.  And as I look back over the years of my life, I find that is true in almost ever dimension of my being, the most important of which is the freedom that came to find me.
A book that bounced off a shelf at me, a therapist whose presence would not leave my attention, a mother who suddenly out of the blue unlocked the suffering of my childhood with the story of her own imprisonment, a Beloved Teacher who gave more than can even be described, a Coach who has never let me down, and finally a heart strong enough to bear it.
There is nothing about my life that speaks of conventional achievement.  I have spent many decades on the very edge of penury, and now I am once again on food stamps, unsure if there will be an income to keep myself and my dogs fed.
I live on the edge…I have for a long, long time.
And on this, the day of my birth, 58 years gone, I discover the truest measure of the intimate nature of the “success” of my life.
I have traveled from abject terror, a condition that populated almost all of my days and nights, in the form of night terrors so potent that I could not be alone, to the courage to face my fears, which was lent to me by my Beloved Teacher, to this day, a day in which I understand the very nature of fearlessness.
I have crossed over.
I cannot say that it will be permanent, that I will always have access to such a startling state of mind.  I dare not whisper the hope that it will last, this capacity for meeting myself, for holding my fears, in such a way that they dissipate like fog with the rising sun.
But for now, it is a grace that is as welcome as mountain air breezes.
Having lived 28 years in some form of terror, 26 years in courage – (the activity of taking action in the face of fear), and now a somewhat steady experience of fearlessness…  I feel the desire to share with you exactly how that journey is accomplished, consider it a reverse birthday gift, it is the very best of what I have to offer you, and I offer it with the greatest humility that I have ever felt.  The process is such a simple one that it could be laughable, were it not for being so deadly serious.
I became suicidal well before my teen years.  I prayed often and hard to be delivered from life.  I could not bear the terror and the hardship my mind placed upon me, born out of a reaction to my mother’s intense and unpredictable rages and my uncle’s sexual assaults.  The fear, which enrobed me like a death shroud in a tomb of pain, could not be managed on my own.  I began to need others in a way that was off putting, and intensely draining, to those few who were willing to try caring for me.
I trusted nothing and no one…ever…
Into that worldview walked a small white haired man, who had traveled a very similar path.  He was never one to “share” his story, so it took almost thirty years to piece together the full nature of his equanimity and for me to arrive at the very surprising awareness that he shared many of the same experiences, and reactions to the those experiences as I did, and best of all that he had grown entirely beyond their reach, here was a man that not only walked his talk…he embodied it.  I suppose that is why I trusted him so completely from the moment I laid my eyes upon him.  He held no space inside himself for me to indulge in my fears, his brand of help was a ruthless and rigorous one; do not leap to the assumption that he was in any way unkind.  He was kindness personified, but he had no time, nor any interest in indulging my fears.  If I were to become his student, the clearly defined price, was unfailing courage.  His mission…
Never, ever, stop embracing the fear.
I did has he bid.  I never stopped moving toward it.  While under his tutelage, and with the help of my coach, I accepted over and over again, the hard truth that every fear I had ever experienced was a product of my own mind.  Yes, my mother beat me until my sister feared it would kill me…yes, my uncle raped me and destroyed my reproductive system, but the fear… that was my doing. 
I was too young, too unformed, and too unschooled to challenge the productions of my mind in my youth.  But when I found my Beloved Teacher, his tireless and relentless communication, that all of my suffering was entirely self-induced, was absolute.  He did not ever focus on the “perpetrator”, there was no warm embrace for what I had suffered, only a rigorous examination of the ways and means by which I had colluded with my abusers to create my own victimhood. 
“No one can harm you but yourself”, was his constant refrain. 
I was so disassociated when I first met him, that I often felt like he was speaking a different language.  I could understand nothing he said, I could not grasp the simplest of concepts, I could not gain the slightest foothold on the idea that the harm I was so desperately suffering from was on the inside, and not from the tragedies of my past.  I sat, and watched his mouth moving, completely incapable of understanding him for years and years.  I sat there, unmoving, because my heart knew, could feel, could discern and intuitively understand, that here was a man who had crossed the great divide.  A Being entirely free of fear, a being of such transparency that he was almost invisible.  He did not exude the deeply narcissistic desire for greatness; he did not embody the grasping for external power that characterizes so many  “leaders”.  His was a humility, a simplicity, a character of such pristine spaciousness that his mere presence humbled me.  And so I sat, waited, hoped, and feared, that I might never be capable of truly accepting his great gift, of opening to his deepest guidance, of following the path he had so miraculously illuminated.  He passed into the ether, the unknowable realms, a mere twelve weeks ago and in his passing came the final piece of the puzzle of self reliance, sourced from a deep well of self trust.
So…I promised you an examination, a prescription of sorts, for the state of mind that was so stable in my Teacher that it was as palpable and perceivable as his blindingly white, and meticulously groomed beard.
It will surprise you, it might even disappoint you…
Stand still.  Don’t move.  Stop your search.
Let the fear have you, but don’t let it inform you.  Let it rake itself through your system, causing your bowels to clench and your throat to ache.  Let it tighten your lungs and feed on your nerves, let it cause your joints to lock up and your insides to hum, with the vibration of its coming…and most importantly with its leaving.  And I promise you, I promise you with my hand held above the certificate that heralds my arrival, this day, 58 years hence…that it will miraculously pass into nothingness if it is truly met, honestly embraced, authentically invited into the heart.  In this, you will discover, much to your never-ending delight…that “No one can harm you but yourself”.  And so much more importantly, you will come fully, completely, compellingly, into the self-reliance that was the cornerstone of my Beloved Teachers message.
You can be trusted, or perhaps more accurately, the heart of you can be trusted, can bear it, can illuminate it, can seize the moment, proclaim the hour, be witness to the resurrection, and will be able to transcend your fears and awaken in a fearless place, where all are welcome, and all can be met.
My experience of fearlessness is not stable, as it was for my teacher.  My most recent loss of a job I gave my very best to, has, (after the shock abated), served to increase my access to fearlessness, by forcing me to face the myriad of fears that arise when income is not available.  Having a flow of money in ones’ life helps to allay the overwhelming nature of our fragile lives.  It serves as a bulwark, a rampart against the threatening seas of instability that threaten us at every turn.  And not having it, demands that we either run deeper into denial and thus travel more damningly toward slavery, or turn and face the inherent nature of the chaos of living and in the doing, win for ourselves the potential to live fearlessly in the face of all that life can serve up.
I am often amused by the all the hawkers of spiritual commercialism, who seek to sell the idea of bliss 24/7, or the promise of greatness, or the healing of our lives, none of which would even have a place on your shelf, much less a space in your heart, if you knew in your depths that your life can be trusted…just exactly as it is.  As my Beloved Teacher was always counseling, “There is nothing to fix.”
He said that “whole seeing” was necessary to truly come to realize the truth of that.  And even without access to his great gifts, I know in my heart that it is true.  There are no circumstances that need  trance inducing solutions… nothing in your life needs to change, for you to step cleanly into the heart of your life.  You only need to discover the willingness to stop the search for more, better, different.  The driving force of your particular brand of fear that causes you to believe the lie, that some future experience will bring the release your heart cries out for.
So pucker up and blow, gently, on the false light from the candles of deception that drives your seeking.  Stop, stand still, become quiet, and your freedom will become a self-evident fact of the very foundation of your nature.  You are already home.  You are already safe.  You are already free.
Freedom and fearlessness are your birthright.  My prayer is that today on the day of my birth, that I have passed along to you some small measure of the deep goodness of the gift that my Teacher gave to me.  I invite you to hear, through my simple words, his profound availability, his great gift, his deep wisdom, his uncompromising precision, and his deep compassion. 
But mostly I invite you to stop the search…
Adayre R. Miller

photo courtesy of flickr photo sharing and Enjuliee.  To see more fo this artists’ work, please follow this link:

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