Friday, August 17, 2012

One More Attempt To Tell The Truth…

I am, just now, so downcast that my body is actually pulling closer to the ground.  There are tears burning the back of my eyes and causing my jaws to feel like I am contemplating eating a lemon wedge.  My shoulders are curling a little more forward, and my heart feels sorrowful.
I had come up with an idea that I believed would set me on the path to creating financial salvation for myself.  I was moving boldly toward it, taking decisive action and preparing for a risk of monumental size.  A leap.  A leap that would free me from the total lack of financial safety, that has been my life, for more years than seems really fair.
And now…the venue that I was going to set up shop in, that I just knew would be the place where I could launch a financial turn around, using the talents I have developed over three decades, has a ten year waiting list…you-heard-me-right-ten-years…
Clunk.  And, full stop.
Once more, same tune different verse.  Even though I know that the sorrow and disappointment that I am feeling is interior based and has nothing to do with the information I have just received, and instead everything to do with how I am processing that information.  That “knowledge” does not seem to mitigate the twins from arriving.  The one who whispers fear, and the other who promises ruin.
Since being laid off this time, just after having completed the best work I have ever produced.  (Believe me when I tell you, that giving the best you are capable of, and having that met with an electronically delivered employment dismissal, is a shock of fairly substantial proportions.)  I put together in my mind’s eye, this small retail shop, in this astoundingly busy venue and not for a moment did I imagine that I could not get in.  The shear naïveté of that boggles the mind.  And the timing is not lost on me either…finding out about that, is the very first action I should have taken, rather than gearing up so much for something that turns out not to be possible.
Just yesterday, I wrote about not feeling sorry for myself…about not hiding from my own mind by slipping under the covers and fantasizing…and just now, that is the only thing I want to do.
I suspect they’re a hand full of folks alive on the planet at any given time that are actively telling the truth about life.  And I do mean a handful…
George, my beloved and now deceased teacher, was fond of attempting to get us to understand how very much we lie to ourselves, each other, and the world at large.  The Lie he said was the one unforgivable sin…the one choice that kills spirit, and loosens ones grip on reality.
And I am lying right this moment…
Let us look.  The truth is that I am sitting here, my fingers on my keyboard, comfortable from just having trimmed my nails, with my window air conditioner beating back the scorching Arizona sun, food is in my refrigerator, and my wee and furry companions are at my feet and breathing the breath of slumber.
In this moment, I am physically well and even cared for.  But my mind insists on commenting about how scary the future is, how little money I have, how little hope there is, how completely alone I am.
You will think me a bit of a monster for reporting what I am about to disclose…but…I am suddenly willing to risk everything.
I watched a YouTube video last night; it had been “shared” by someone who said that the viewing of it should include a box of Kleenex because, surely, tears would flow.
It showcased a young man, who reported himself to be 28.  He had been told a week or so earlier that the leukemia that he had been battling for ten years was no longer treatable.  That he would soon begin the process of dying, and that he was sitting down for the videotaping of his “last good bye”. 
I didn’t cry.
I am not saying that his conversation was not poignant, nor that his circumstance was not immediate.  I am only saying that it being honestly or accurately horribly unfair, was the type of lie that George tried so hard to get us to see.
If, and it seems it is so, that he is to die at 28, rather than the 88 I am sure he had hoped and prayed for…if that is to be, then it surely must be the will of the One.
We, the collective, since time immemorial… pray for what we want…when we should be praying to mold ourselves to accept the truth as it presents itself.  He is about to die.  I may come to the place where I cannot feed myself.
But here is the truth for both of us.  At this precise moment, he is, in all probability, alive and even relatively comfortable.  And I am certainly well fed.
We, both of us, are scaring ourselves only through the misuse of our minds.  He spoke at length about how scared he was, and I sat down at this computer because I was scared.  His circumstance is more probably going to happen than will mine.  The state will give me 200 dollars a month to feed myself, having tried it before, I know that 200 dollars doesn’t make it to the end of the month, but it could…if I were more conservative.  So my fear isn’t even real.  And as for the young man, he has no idea about what dying is, or what it might bring with it.  Perhaps he will feel so grateful that he was released from the prison of the flesh that he might metaphorically jump for Joy.  Perhaps he will discover that he is glad to be free once more.  Who is to say…but the real work is not in the outer world.  The real work is being capable of distinguishing the truth, from the lie.
I went to a group gathering a couple of nights ago.  It is a pleasant experience, a well cooked vegetarian dinner, followed by a video of Eckhart Tolle.  The price is paid in the “discussion” that follows the videos.  It is ostensibly a group participation, but in truth two or three of the older men use it as a platform to act out the fantasy of being a teacher and spiritual leader. (Something I am intimately familiar with…)  They discourse about their beliefs, providing opinion and statements of profundity, which they imagine are welcome and potent.  But what I hear is the same form of illusion that speaks through the voice of fear; only it is using the more clever disguise of positivity and certainty.  The same illusion which, in the beginning, drove these essays and my desire to be an “author”.
It seems most of us, and most assuredly myself, do not possess the strength of character necessary for the simple truth.
Listening to the older man pronounce us all “divine” and Beings of Light and Joy, had exactly the same effect on me, as listening to the young man speaking of dying.
That too, is a form of lying.
To counsel peace and joy, light and love, hope and dreams, is to deepen the trance…not awaken from it. I am not saying that joy and light and love and peace do not exist, far from it!  I am saying that discoursing about it with the intent and energy with which the older man spoke, is a form of self soothing, disguising itself as wonder and awe.  He tells himself, as I once did, that speaking in this manner serves others…when the truth is, that speaking in that manner, serves only the self made conceptual mind’s ability to keep us asleep and lost to the truth, which is always hiding behind the full vulnerability of the current moment.
We hide.  That is what we do.  We hide from the shear terror of the truth, that our lives are so fragile it cannot be born by the mind that was constructed out of our thoughts.  We are so vulnerable.  Soft. Ephemeral. Temporary.  A mist upon the breath, a mere hint of a moment of movement, a trembling quiver of energy lost amidst the galaxies.  We do not belong to ourselves, no matter how much we run from that truth.  We do not even truly exist…not in the manner our minds would have us believe.  We do not control anything, least of all our outcomes.
I am pretty sure we do not even control our thoughts.
As time has gone by and my mind has slowed down so very much, and is now capable of stopping altogether…I discover the most amazing thing.  A thought, (I hesitate to call them mine any longer), arises out of nowhere, like a cloud suddenly obscures the suns light and bringing the shadows of worry with it.  When a thought has no personal content to it, no emotional sensation of mineness attached… it merely surfaces like a dolphin breaking the surface of the sea.
I am not great at knowing that in the moment, but that is why I write it down.  So that I can see, for myself, the lie that is buried underneath the fear.  So that I can see, for myself, that I am believing something that is well outside the boundaries of actual reality.  Let’s revisit the urge that sat me down at this computer.  I got some information that my expectations and anticipations were not possible, that the hope I had pinned on my “solution” was in vain.  And that led to an emotional and body based sensation that nearly doubled me over with its weight and heft.  But let us check once more…am I starving in this moment?  No, I am not.  May I end up homeless and completely without resources?  That is entirely unknowable, and to labor under that fear is to lie to myself rather than to accept the truth that control over my life is not possible.
My current teacher, (yes I am aware that I said I was not going to talk about either of them – and yet, here I am), posits the notion that we cannot control any aspect of our lives.  George said that as well, in this form; “outer events are entirely karmicly delivered, inner experience is the only place where free will exists.”
My coach, a man I admire a great deal, supports the idea that we have “influence” over the direction of our lives.  Which is a way of saying that we do possess control.
So which is it…do we have some measure of control, or none whatsoever?
Am I in some way responsible for nearly thirty years of, almost to abject, poverty?  Have I done something wrong?  Missed a turn?  Spoke when I should have been silent?  Or silent when I should have spoken?  These are the types of answers the conditioned mind requires, and will gladly follow anyone who purports to have the answer.
The woman, for whom I was most recently working, told me on more than one occasion that she was “rescuing” me, by giving me a job.  I found that to be a bit offensive, given the profoundly positive change I produced to the appearance of her building…but I did not challenge her story of my neediness and her heroic action, mainly because it would not have done any good.
But I reflect back on it now, and realize that there is no one who can “rescue” another from the contents of their inner experience.
And so, I must join once more with the profound wisdom of my beloved Teacher.  Outer events are mine by virtue of my karmic load and accountabilities…inner experience and the wholesale freedom it can provide, can only be acquired by me, through my willingness to stand in the face of my own personal terrors.
Facing yourself, and not running through fantasy, busyness, goal acquisition, positive story telling, illusion, or just plain ole lying, I have found to be a bit like standing in the face of a gale force hurricane.  Everyone around you counsels that you run for safety, you personally would rather be anywhere, or anytime else…and yet, standing still is the only thing that will deliver true freedom, and even that… is not in our control.
I feel that I am getting closer to the time when the truth might find me, a little bit nearer to living with reality, rather than the distortions of my fears and anxieties…but who is to say? 
I suppose my reactions to the young man who is dying, and his assertions that it isn’t fair…and to the old man and his continuing need to feel important and special so that he too, may handle his fears about death and non-existence, is in some way a measure of the capacity to deal in truth rather than in lies.
The young man’s death, may turn out to be the best thing that has ever happened to him…and the old man’s “positive thinking”, may turn out to be the very worst choice he could be making.
Our conditioned minds are so very polluted with the illusions that were meant to stave off our existential fears, that we should not trust anything they have to say.  Or at least…that is my current commitment.
One more attempt to tell the truth rather than to soothe myself with a lie.
Right this moment; I am comfortable, fed, at ease, and alive…who is to say what will happen in the future?  That is not my business. 
My business is with this moment and uncovering the truth, rather than living with the lie…
Ronni Miller

Photo courtesy of flickr photo sharing and rich wall – to see more of this artists work follow this link

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