Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Arises…That Becomes…

As far back as junior high school… now some forty years ago…I wanted with all my heart a singular desire, to garner the attention of others by the use of my story telling skills, in other words to be a public performer, or a public speaker, or a public teacher. Way back then I had no way of truly defining that, I knew only, that when I stood at the front of the class in debate, or speech, or drama, that it was the only time I felt myself to be real, or effective, or potent. In all other ways, and at all other times, I felt somehow invisible or even worse, irrelevant.

In high school I won a speech contest at a regional high school event, hosted and held by the Durango College for the Arts in Colorado - it was the highlight of my days in high school and again, the only time I felt relevant or worthy.

Just after high school I was given the enormous opportunity of attending a Dale Carnegie Class in which I excelled at public speaking, during which they toned, seeded, refined, and defined my native skill at the task, and sent me into the world prepared to “make my dream come true”.

I followed that dream with an intensity and passion that I would barely recognize now…having come to rest in a mind that truly understands, that only passionless activity has the power to actually heal.

Finally in my fortieth year, my dream came true. I routinely found myself in front of hundreds of people, who appeared to value what I said, who applauded my efforts, and who scratched the itch I had experienced - in some measure - my whole life.

At one and the same time, life was moving me inexorably toward deeper and deeper experiences of Silence. A move that seemed entirely at odds with the life I wanted, the life I was passionate about, the life I planned, and schemed, and lived for….

I began making a living painting murals, something I would have never expected, defined, envisioned, or chosen - but for more than fifteen years I stood on ladders, alone with my thoughts, required by life to be quiet and still, while I produced work I was very good at but had no affection or real desire for. Those years were the necessary preparation for returning to the bosom of my spiritual Teacher, and to beginning anew, the willingness to understand his great and silent depths.

He is one of the very few living Masters, a man whose presence stole speech from my tongue as surely as paralysis would have stolen movement from my limbs. His deep inner clarity allowed me to feel the inauthentic nature of my “passion”, his quiet calm allowed me to know my chaos, his stillness allowed me to know the turbulence of my being, his generosity allowed me to know my grasping, his certainty allowed me to feel my bone deep doubt, his willingness to join with and embrace the Emptiness, allowed me to know my childish fears and my weary clinging. In his presence, I began to understand the deep wisdom in the Chinese proverb that states, “When the wrong (wo)man uses the right means, the right means work in the wrong way.” My pursuit of the dream of public recognition became the realization of the “right means working in the wrong way.”

His intense ability to see through me, through the patter, charm, flattery, and falseness, stole from me the very thing I had worked so hard to acquire, the capacity to influence others by magnetism, allure, and verbal seduction. And life sent me ever deeper into Silence, by removing my work life and keeping me bound by economic stresses, to the small world of the interior of my home, my mind, and my keyboard.

In this quiet and still place, in long years of near total outer emptiness…I began to see the value of dropping the notion that I can control the outer world. I began to acquire the understanding that knows planning, and goal setting, and vision boards, and the desire to bend life to my will, is the activity of the lost and the desires of the rudderless.

It matters not, where you arrive…but rather, only what direction you are traveling in.

Is your life moving more and more toward the deep interior of you? Or are you still caught on the wheel of samsara, lost in the notion that the outer world of form and circumstances is where your efforts should be placed?

In a lesson my Teacher once provided us, he pondered the meaning of karma vs. free will, and his conclusion rang as true in my heart as anything I have ever heard. He said that determinism and free will exist at one and the same time…that your outer circumstances can be nothing other than, the result of all of your past actions - both this life and before - and that your free will comes into play, only and not until, you have learned that it is your response that counts.

Emerson said, “What comes to you belongs to you”, which is of course saying the same thing as my Teacher’s conclusion…your outer life is the result of the previous accumulation of the density of your unconsciousness. That your success or failure, illness or health, wealth or poverty, are all governed by the deep love of a Being whose only goal is to support you in achieving the clarity of wakefulness, and that each and every circumstance in which you find yourself is meant for only one purpose…to change the direction in which you are traveling.

To move you from reaching outside yourself, to traveling the hidden and quiet depths of Being…the move from exterior to interior is the only journey that counts, and the only outcome that has merit.

In Buddhist philosophy there is a notion that defines the concepts of interdependence and the clever working of all that expresses in the world of form, as merely the movement of life toward the depths of Being. That notion is stated thusly, “between thing and thing, there is no block”, which is to say there is no separation the world over. Or more directly in this understanding…”if it were not the way it is, you would not be the way you are.” Here even more clearly, is the expression of interlinking interdependencies. Look out your window, wherever you are at this precise moment, whatever you gaze lands upon, whether tree, or bird, or road, or cloud. If that were not there…you would not be here. It could not be defined more deliberately than this, we are where and who and how and why we are, because Being requires it to be so, in the hope that we may use whatever befalls us to Awaken.

You can, and most do, spend an entire life in pursuit of the outer world of form, you can pursue a dream or pursue a philosophy, you can be lost in the result, or lost in your thinking about the result, you can reach for more, or for greater, or for better…all the long days of your life, and all it will buy you is more and more of a sense of separation, more and more insecurity, and more and more seeking.

There is another way…”the path less traveled”…the way home.

The Buddha taught, “Karma comes from our hearts, and it leaves from our hearts.”

Which is to say that you bind yourself to the wheel of karma, by the deep interior blindness that refuses to see that the world of form is in its entirety an illusion, whereas the Truth is found only and always from within. Bondage comes to the heart, and liberation springs from the heart. It matters not one jot, not one tittle, not one tiny iota what is occurring in your life, or mine.

Illness? Hooray. Return to health. Hooray. Poverty? Hooray. Return to wealth. Hooray.

The Bible says in Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” I prefer the term Being for the word God, and I know in my heart that all are called to the purpose of allowing themselves to know that the outer world is not where the source of Being resides.

Has your fear begun to recede? Has your striving lessened? Has your seeking dissipated? Has your pursuit of your dream dimmed? Has your demand that life conform to the view you have of it softened? These are only some of the many ways in which you can know which direction your are traveling in, and therefore know whether or not you are building a destiny of bondage, or one of liberation.

You can forget and even forgo the Being out of which we all spring. You can forge ahead with the notion that you are the Captain of your destiny, the author of your will, the doer of your life…these are not bad things, they are merely painful things… which create greater and greater levels, of suffering and disconnection.

We are not required to Awaken; it is not a goal that can be achieved or a thing to be striven for. Just as the fingertip cannot touch itself, so too, the Being that you are an intrinsic part of cannot discover itself…but rather, must be uncovered… by the slow and scary, measured and meaningful, difficult and weightless, realization that you know Nothing, come from Nothing, and will return to Nothing. And so much more importantly, that this Nothing is the greatest help, the greatest joy, the greatest healing, the greatest source, the greatest place, the truest home that can ever be found or embraced.

My Teacher’s great and clarifying sight, his capacity to see the false in me and by doing so allow me to feel that falseness, was the cornerstone by which I built my escape from the world of form and circumstance, thinking and bondage, outer seeking and useless pursuing…and instead, have come to rest in the realization that my inner self, that deep interior Emptiness out of which my thoughts bubble forth like the play of a child tinkering with toys, is the Truth of me…and of you.

Our true identity is the Space out of which everything sources. We are the Vessel, the Container, the Witness, the Observer…and as such, what we observe, contain, witness or experience is not just secondary…but in some ways, entirely irrelevant.

Take your attention from your outer circumstances, withdraw yourself from your thoughts – which are also only forms – and you will discover that you existed prior, after, and always. That you are not what happens to you, but rather what happens from you. And in truth, there is no “you” at all.

I leave you with this hopefully startling image…we, those of us born to the Western culture, imagine our God as either an image of a great bearded man, or if we are a bit more subtle…a glorious individual of luminous light filled essence. A strong, warming, embracing, all supporting L I G H T.

Try this one on, for just one small moment.

Imagine, instead, that God is an unfathomable mystery of totally concealing Darkness and Emptiness….or if you like, a bent and tired old woman. Can you feel the jarring quality of that image? Can you feel the dread and fear it may bring up? Maybe you even go so far as to think that Blackness, or Emptiness, or Nothingness is of the Devil or the dark forces. Maybe you can’t imagine god as a woman.

Here is where the greatest Joy lies concealed, here is where you slumber, here is where you sleep…

The Light is not available to our senses, save for the darkness. The words upon this page are not available to your mind; save for the emptiness that preceded them, the sound of beautiful music has no relevance, nor even any existence, without the Silence out of which it springs.

When your mind has settled enough to stop its ceaseless and endless chatter, the Silence that sits beneath that mountain of jarring and mostly useless noise, is the well spring of Life itself. To know yourself in Silence is to know the spaciousness of yourself, the eternalness of yourself, the self you were before form took you.

Eckhart Tolle calls it Space Consciousness versus Form Consciousness that is as good as any, of the many names, which have written themselves across time. For myself, I know it as Relief.

The journey from a mind that cannot be stilled, to one that softens into Silence upon request… is the journey of a lifetime, producing a gratitude that is limitless, and a will to continue journeying that is boundless.

When thought can be watched like bubbles drifting up from Nowhere, God has gone from being an object whether crafted of Light or muscle and beard, to the deep unfathomable Mystery of the great unknowable Mother…the very womb of existence. Seeking stops, hunger and craving cease, goals are useless, and Acceptance rules the day…leaving in its wake Peace and harmony.

May you be blessed with coming to know yourself in this most wondrous Silence, may you travel into the Emptiness and know it for the first time, may you end your reliance on the outer and know the pure joy of total trust, may you finally find the reason for living…

Adayre R. Miller


Photo courtesy of flickr photo sharing and Mervin L. Manalo to see more of this artist’s work please follow this link…www.flickr.com/photos/sir_mervs/2760851995/

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